National Volunteer Week (also known as Volunteer Appreciation Week) was instituted in the United States by a Presidential proclamation issued by then President Richard M. Nixon in 1974. Its purpose was to honor and celebrate all the many volunteers who offer themselves in service to others.
Well, your church staff at Edgebrook Covenant Church certainly appreciates all you do and the many hours you devote to the Lord’s work thru our church! You serve with faithfulness, humility, consistency and love. Thank you!
National Volunteer Week is April 23 through April 29, 2017. However, we decided to celebrate Volunteer Appreciation Sunday at Edgebrook before that because of other things on the church schedule. This Sunday, April 2nd is Volunteer Appreciation Sunday at Edgebrook Covenant Church. As part of our celebration, your church staff will host a coffee hour in your honor.
So please join us for worship and coffee hour this Sunday, April 2. Without you, the important mission and ministry of Jesus Christ thru Edgebrook Covenant Church would not simply not happen. That’s why we appreciate you… and all you do!
Gratefully yours! Pastor Greg